New Brunswick - Purple Violet Permaculture
Dieppe and Grand Manan
Irene Doucet
Bilingual Consultant/Speaker/Presentations
Background: Certified Veganic Permaculture Landscape Designer 6 month course with Spiralseed, Graham Burnett, United Kingdom, Europe
Areas of Interest: The Permaculture Lifestyle: From Ethics to Food Preservation and Everything in Between Multimedia Eco Artist and speaker
Speaker of Nature Topics: Bird Studies and Observation Ethics, Rare Local Endangered Plant Species, Bio Regional Landscapes, Ethical Foraging, Herbalism
Email: irenedoucet@gmail.com
Phone: (506) 863-7869
Website: natureconnexion.ca
Brock Leaman
Background: Certified Permaculture Designer, Red Seal Carpenter and Cabinetmaker, Passive Solar Builder, Farmer
Areas of Interest: Permaculture, Sustainability, Community
Farm/Wood lot/Sustainable Contruction
Email: collinaestate@hotmail.com
Phone: 15062291950
Northern - Bathurst
Sean Hoffman
Background: Forestry, reforestation, land reclamation, propagation
Areas of Interest: soil building, sustainable pasture, food forest, gardening
Phone: 289-400-7326
Email: hoffmansean@hotmail.com
Fredericton Area - City of Fredericton
Ashlyn Brownell
Background: I'm pretty new to permaculture. I just took a two-day course with P3 permaculture through the Ville Cooperative in Marysville. I'm a University of New Brunswick student studying leadership and environmental management.
Areas of Interest: Self-sufficiency, community development, rural living, and lots more interests left to discover!
Email: abrownel@unb.ca
Fredericton Area - Mactaquac
Adam Weaver
Background: Community Development
Areas of Interest: Market gardening, PDC, PTT, herbalism, traditional woodcraft, plant and fungi Identification, facilitation, public speaking
Email: adam.weaver.hcc@gmail.com
Fredericton Area - Taymouth
Amy Floyd
Background: Hugelkultur, raised beds, forest gardens, Community Food Mentor, working community development since 2008 and small-scale project management experience, international development. I specialize in social permaculture. In 2018 I took the Earth Activitst Training PDC with Starhawk and Charles Williams. Am now living off-grid and really interest in design and appropriate technology projects. Running permaculture groups in Fredericton and Stanley, N.B and hopefully starting more all the time. Reach out if you are trying to get organized in your area.
Areas of Interest: self-sufficiency, passive solar design, rural community development, edible perennials, all things plants!
Phone: (506) 567-9714
Email: amypfloyd@gmail.com
Fredericton Area
Tanner Sagouspe
Background: I received my Masters in Environmental Management from UNB in 2016 and a 10-week Permaculture Design Certification from OSU in 2018. I also am an avid reader and have in my library: Practical Permaculture - Jessi Bloom & Dave Boehnlein; The Permaculture Handbook - Peter Bane; The Backyard Homestead - Carleen Madigan; The Vegetable Gardener's Guide to Permaculture - Christopher Shein; Self-Sufficiency for the 21st Century - Dick and James Strawbridge; and many more books
Areas of Interest: Soil Regeneration; Food Forest Development; Eco-Community Design; Teaching individuals that we can all reduce, reuse, and recycle today.
Phone: (506) 259-0911
Web: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tsagouspe
Email: tannersagouspe@gmail.com
Fredericton Area
André Vautour
Background: No PDC (yet). Read a bunch of books including: Gaia's Garden, The Permaculture City, Permaculture: Principles and Pathways beyond Sustainability, Creating a Forest Garden, Edible Forest Garden, Perennial Vegetables, Paradise Lot, The Holistic Orchard, Teaming with Microbes, Teaming with Fungi, Bringing Nature Home, etc. Took the recent P3 Permaculture 3-day session given by Graham held in Marysville at The Ville this past summer.
Areas of Interest: Forest Gardens, Edible Landscaping. Perennial Vegetables as well as community-scale applications of permaculture.
Connect on Facebook
Fredericton Area – Taymouth
Amanda Wildeman
Background: Received my PDC in 2012, and have been practicing at a personal level since. I recently bought 5 acres of land and am working on implementing a design here. 2012 - Completed my PDC and an eight month internship at Mesoamerican Permaculture Institute in Guatemala 2010 – two month internship at Punta Mona in Costa Rica
Areas of Interest: I would love to learn about cob oven and solar water heaters.
Email: amanda.wildeman@gmail.com
Miramichi area, Sunny Corner
Douglas Mullin
Background: Familiar with the concept due to involvement with Praxis Project
Interests: Learning to grow my own food, increasing my own food security -Learning sustainable living practices, which include building construction and land management
Email: douglas@mullinstreamphotography.ca
Genevieve Richard
I completed my PDC/EDC in 2018 on Vancouver Island and after a big career change I moved back to Moncton in 2019. I have a small lot in the city and I am brewing up ideas for food forest/ garden yet, I am suffering from analyzation paralysation! I would love to connect with others in this community to brain storm, learn and to gain hands-on experience with permaculture design with any projects on the go! I would love to offer my time with your projects as well :)
Interests: Permaculture, Urban Permaculture, Food forests, Building soils naturally, Vermicomposting, Native plants, Medicinal Plants, Guilds, Interplanting, City gardening, Pollinators, Beneficial Insects, Function-Stacking, Building community, Sustainable living
Phone: 250-589-9169
Haylie T
Background: Got my PDC in Montreal in 2016. Bought an acreage in NB in 2018 and I have been playing with it and learning a lot since. I would love to connect with like minded people in Moncton to Miramichi area.
Interests: Growing fruit and nut trees, berries and perennial vegetables. Learning how to create systems to be self sufficient.
Email: haylietesiere@gmail.com
Moncton / Shediac Area
Charles Thibodeau
Background: Mechanical Engineer, energy technologies and advanced materials, transportation systems, PDC (2012), Community Food Mentor, international project management and development (UNECE, IEA, IPHE...), polyglot (FR, EN, SP, JP), and bon vivant
Areas of Interest: Clean energy and appropriate technology alternatives, passive solar design, self-sufficiency, governance, alternative currencies, design, edible landscaping, hugelkultur, raised beds, forest gardens, orchards, community and social development, transition initiatives, local foods, wild harvesting, gorilla gardening, water and waste management, climate adaptation.
St. Andrews Area – Bayside
Mike Humble at FoodsGood Farm
Background: Took my PDC summer of 2014 at Whole Systems Design in Mad River Valley Vermont. Started FoodsGood Farm in 2016, have been living off grid ever since growing food and planting trees for the future!
Areas of Interest: solar power, passive solar design, mushroom logs, polyculture, support guilds, swales and ponds, hand tools, beekeeping, poultry, market gardening, cartwheels, restoration forestry, border collies, so much more!
Email: foodsgoodfarm@gmail.com
Charlotte County, St. Andrews, NB
Stephanie Robb
Background: I am a mindful biophilia consultant, using nature and expressive arts to respond to personal, societal, and ecological change, providing techniques for individuals and businesses to find purpose and meaning.
Areas of interest: Indigenous seed sovereignty, food independence, community building, immunity building through diet, mind-body-spirit healing through nature connection
Email: Tattybogles@gmail.com
Web: www.journeyilluminated.com
Local Permachats Groups
Fredericton Permachats
Areas of work: We are a group of people who love learning about permaculture. We started in January of 2019 and meet once a month to discuss topics, projects and solve problems. We meet a few times per year to do "permablitzes" or permaculture work parties at members homes, follow up with a great potluck. We have also started doing some fieldtrips and community based projects. Children are welcome. This group is run by local individuals and was started by the Permaculture Atlantic Network.
Email: Adam.weaver.hcc@gmail.com
South East New Brunswick Permachats
Areas of work: This group started in September of 2020 as a partnership between the Permaculture Atlantic Network, Really Local Harvest (Recolte de chez Nous), Garden Cities and the Petitcodiac Watershed Association.
Fall 2020 meetings (Sept. - Nov.) will be at Dieppe Market on third Wednesday from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. (subject to change). For details contact Samuel LeGresley. Samuel@recoltedecheznous.com.
Saint John to Sussex
Hampton Permachats (2021)
This group will hopefully get started in the spring of 2021, using the food forest and garden at Hampton High as a "home-base" for local permaculture education. If you want to be added to an email list for future updates, contact Chris Rendell - appsolca@yahoo.ca.
Groups and Organizations
Province wide
Food for All NB
Area of Work: Food for All NB envisions a New Brunswick that is connected, informed and engaged in food security for all and is working to provide leadership in the advancement of food security in New Brunswick through: Networking, Knowledge and information sharing, Public Relations and Building partnerships.
Programs: Community Food Mentors, Community Kitchens/ Gardens/ Food Centres, bulk buying groups, CSA's...
Membership: is open to all individuals and organizations.
Email: Laura Reinsborough, Network Director
Province wide
The Raven Project (Rural Action and Voices for the Environment)
Areas of work: RAVEN (Rural Action and Voices for the Environment) is an activist media and research project. We are exploring how digital media can bring attention to and support action on rural and environmental issues. Our project works with and supports champions for sustainable rural communities and the environment in New Brunswick. We are a research project affiliated with the University of New Brunswick and will run from 2018 - 2002.
Email: raven.unb@gmail.com (Susan)
Central - South Knowlesville
Praxis Project
Areas of work: Yearly Permaculture Inspired Art Festival (1st full weekend of June)
Interests: Festival is family friendly. On offer - live music, art demos., makers market, camping, vegan meals and workshops. Carpooling is encouraged and this is a "leave no trace event"/ environmentally and socially respectful event. This group is organized by a collective and is member/ volunteer run. They seek new volunteer organizers periodically, please check website for more information.
Address: Simms Road, South Knowlesville (1.5 hours north of Fredericton)
Email: (see web to sign up for mailing list)
Web: https://www.praxisprojectnb.com/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/events/1927771117535410/
Fredericton - Devon
Hayes Urban Teaching Farm
Areas of work: In the 2018 Pilot Year Hayes Urban Teaching Farm is offering a 32-week hands Regenerative Agriculture Certificate. This program teaches about crop planning, bed creation, field techniques, hand tools, farm business, farm management, indigenous land-use philosophy/ community inclusion and environmental management on farm. For more information check social media and web links. This is a project of NB Community Harvest Gardens Inc.
Interests: No-till agriculture, urban agriculture, community building, sustainable livelihoods, rural economic development, access to land, food security, market gardening, forest gardening and restoring damaged ecosystems.
Address: Please email to find out about tours.
Email: hayesteachingfarm@gmail.com
Web: http://www.nbchg.org/urban-teaching-farm-project/
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/HayesUrbanTeachingFarm/
Fredericton - Marysville
The Ville Cooperative
Areas of work: Taking a holistic approach, The Ville aims to provide the community with progressive, health-related opportunities. Our goal is create a supportive facility for use by recreational organizations, educational groups, sustainability practices, arts and culture programs, and many more. Open for public viewing four-season climate battery greenhouse and permaculture gardens. For permaculture specific requests contact agriculture@theville.ca.
Interests: office, hot desk, gym and studio rentals, play ground space, urban agriculture, social justice, community development
Address: 241 Canada Street, Fredericton
Phone: (506)-472-7799
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/thevillecooperative/?ref=br_rs
Fredericton - Nashwaak Valley
Nashwaak Community Growers
Areas of work: We are a community group that formed in January of 2020 to meet neighbours and discuss growing food in chemical-free ways. We also talk and learn about rural self-sufficiency (renewable energy, tools, carpentry, etc.). We meet monthly, generally on the third Sunday. Get added to our mailing list, visit the website or email amypfloyd@gmail.com.
Web: www.nashwaakcommunitygrowers.com
Saint John Area - Kingston
Bear Roots Forest
Areas of work: Medicinal Herb Farm using Permaculture and Biodynamic practices. We provide fresh and dried medicinal herbs, tinctures, salves, hydrosols and tea blends. We offer herb walks and hands on educational workshops relating to medicinal herbs, foraging, and permaculture. We also offer online programs; Community and Family Herbalist, Medicine Gardener and Four Seasons of Foraging.
Area of work: Medicinal Herbs, Foraging and Wildcrafting, Permaculture Practices- tree guilds, hugelkultur beds, herb spirals, no-til
Sussex Area
Barnesville Community Garden
Areas of work: We are a small scale community garden in Barnesville, New Brunswick. We have 2/3 of our garden devoted to permaculture crops and 1/3 for individual annual crops.
Permaculture, seed saving, Atlantic hardy crops, meeting like minded groups and individuals
Web: https://www.facebook.com/groups/362931103898136
Moncton Area - Sackville
Canadian Forests International (CFI)
Areas of Work: To foster environmental stewardship internationally by establishing community forests, promoting sustainable forestry techniques and initiating environmental education. Projects in New Brunswick/ Canada and Tanzania around sustainable forestry. Areas of interest Community Forestry, Carbon Sequestration, Community Development, Appropriate Technology, Carbon Credits.
Address: 10 School Lane, Sackville, NB E4L 3J9
Email: ​info@forestsinternational.org
Phone: (506) 536-3738
Web: https://forestsinternational.org/canada
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/pembatrees/
Resources and Websites
Buy Local NB
You can find products with an interactive map or search by category (​Baked goods, bath & body, beverages, crafts, fresh food, herbs and spices, meats, home and garden, preserves, seafood and services), as well as locations and contact information for NB Farmers Markets.
A project of the Conservation Council of New Brunswick
Herbalist Association of New Brunswick
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/herbalistassociationNB/
Renewables NB
This site offers case studies of renewable energy projects that have happened all across New Brunswick. Projects are sorted by type of energy.
A partnerships of the Falls Brook Centre, Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee,Conservation Council of New Brunswick, Cape Jourimain Nature Centre.
Durham Bridge, NB
Oasis Farmery
Type of Work: Education and community food forest projects
Area of Focus/Offerings: Course on food forest design (offered both in-person and online)
Contact: Andrew Mathis
Central NB - South Knowlesville
Ditch Rich Nurseries
Type of Work: Wholesale and retail plants and trees, event organization, orchard design, water management, consultation, labour planning and landscaping, land use consultation.
Area of Focus: Permaculture plants and growing in USDA zones 3 and 4.
Contact: Alex
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/ditchrichnurseries/
Central NB - South Knowlesville
Radicale Root Herbs
Type of Work: Educational workshops, salves, tinctures and all kinds of products. Experience as an herb grower and permaculture homesteader.
Contact: Munna Cleland
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/radiclerootherb/
Mactaquac Area - Scotch Lake
Heirloom Community Consulting
Type of work: Adam Weaver is an experienced community worker and project/program manager. His mission with Heirloom Community Consulting is to promote and advocate for anything relating to food security, regenerative agriculture, and experiential land-based education. His core strengths are in project development, design, and implementation.
Adam has developed and initiated permaculture projects at home and around the world, finding great satisfaction in sharing small-scale solutions to global-scale problems.
Products: Adam offers professional insight through a host of workshops and presentations in the subjects of wild plant identification and uses, traditional wood-crafting, small farm management and permaculture design. Other consultation works include facilitation, grant writing and curriculum development. In 2014, Adam completed his 72- hour PDC with Verge Permaculture and completed a PDC Teacher Training Course with Midwest Permaculture in 2019.
Email: Adam.Weaver.HCC@gmail.com
Fredericton Area - Keswick
Fresh Route Farm and Equipment
Products: We offer a variety of sustainably-minded products and tools for home-owners, homesteraders, small-scale agricultural producers and landscape professionals. We are always expanding the product lines we carry and are happy to hear feedback about what you would like to see in our store. Custom ordering is available for some products. Arrangements can also be made for bulk / group orders by contacting us directly. We are farmers ourselves, so not only do we test all the products we sell firsthand, we also offer in-season vegetables and quality cuts of lamb, goat and pork. Learn more at the links below!
Services: Custom haying and bailing, small equipment repair and maintenance, gardening and equipment workshops, equipment and site consultations, equipment rentals/ demos and fitting sessions.
Contact: Brittany or Vernon
Address: 9 Yerxa Lane, Keswick, NB, E6L 1N7
Phone: (506) 897-1520
Web: https://www.freshroutefarm.ca
Fredericton Area - Taymouth
New Leaf Community Consulting
Type of work: Consulting on Community Development and Social Permaculture Projects.
Areas of focus: food security, ecological housing design, rural development, intentional communities.
Contact: Amy Floyd
Phone: (506)-567-9714
Web: newleafcommunityconsulting.com
Grand Lake Area - Waterborough
Liminal Gardens
Type of work: Liminal Gardens is a small, first generation, family farm, dedicated to following permaculture design principles. We want to farm in a way that rejuvenates the land, strengthens a community-based, circular economy, and provides high-quality produce and products for our customers. Offerings- Produce: tomatoes, tomatillos, garlic, basil, onions, carrots, ground cherries, zucchini, green beans. Sourdough Bread: 100% rye, sunflower rye, onion caraway rye, spelt, white, rosemary, garlic & herb, and more! Herbal Tea with echinacea and goldenrod. Kale chips & zucchini chips.
Contact: Brad Longard
Email: brad@liminalgardens.ca
Phone: 506-478-2255
Miramichi area, Sunny Corner
Douglas Mullin
Email: Douglas@MullinStreamphotography.ca
Type of work: Photography and documentation. Permaculture skills and training: Familiar with the concepts due to continued involvement with Praxis Project
Permaculture related areas of interest: Growing my capacity for food security Sharing and documenting the work of those doing permaculture
Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/dughvangogh/
Website Link: http://www.mullinstreamphotography.ca
Understory Farm
Type of work: vegetables, herbs
Areas of focus: Using renewable energy on farm
Contact: Estelle Drisdale
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/understoryfarmanddesign/
St. Andrews Area - Bayside
FoodsGood Farm /Mike Humble
Email: FoodsGoodFarm@gmail.com
Area of Focus: Running FoodsGood Farm since 2016 with a focus on organic and permaculture food production. CSA shares available. Five-part permaculture workshop series - summer / fall of 2020.
Follow him on Facebook to stay tuned for new offerings.
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/FoodsGoodFarm/
(see also Individual's page)