Prince Edward Island - Wild Orchid Permaculture
Courtney Gallant
Background: Completed Permaculture Design Certificate and Earth Activist Training; August 31, 2018
Areas of Interest: Bio remediation, mushrooms and wild crafted medicines.
Email: thehammocklady@gmail.com
Phone: (902)-303-3104
Web: https://www.facebook.com/thehammocklady
Charlottetown Farm Centre
Background: For almost forty years the Prince Edward Island Farm Centre has worked to further the interests of island food growers. Our recently updated Farm Centre facility has a commercial kitchen that is frequently used to prepare foods for meetings and gatherings. The Centre hosts numerous social and cultural events that bring our rural and urban communities together. These include cultural events featuring theatre, food and agriculture themed art exhibitions, musical performances and cultural celebrations
Web: https://www.peifarmcentre.com/index.php
Email: info@peifarmcentre.com
Phone: 1-(902)-892-3419
Eco Homes PEI (Formerly Earthship PEI)
Facebook @EcoHomesPEI message for details.
Institute for Bioregional Studies
Area of work: To foster community and regional development through research, consultation and educational programs that encourage the adoption of technologies and practices which are deemed to be socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.
Area of interest: Enhancing Youth Employability and Skills Training: Engaging Youth in the Era of Climate Change will run during the fall and winter of 2019-20. The program goal is to prepare young people for jobs that emerge from the climate crisis. It will serve as a model for the entire eastern coastal region, with transferable lessons to other regions.
Web: https://ibspei.ca/
Contact: Phil Ferraro
Phone: 902-367-0390
Central PEI - Freetown
Barnyard Organics: East Coast Organic Feed Mill
Type of work: Barnyard Organics’ East Coast Organic Feed Mill is proud to offer locally-grown and milled 100% organic feed for your livestock needs! CFIA-approved mix formulas available for laying hens and poultry, broiler birds, turkeys, hogs, goats, and custom mixing is also an option!
Other services: grain cleaning and drying, custom roasting, Bio-Ag distributor, general seed distributor, organic chicken and egg sales, poultry processing facility. Summer season rental service to let you try out keeping laying hens at home.
Farm Visit Info.: We are located at North Freetown Road, RR # 7 in Freetown, PEI C0B 1L0. Although drop-ins are welcome to purchase farm fresh eggs, frozen chicken (pending availability) and feed, grain and other products, it is highly advised that you call in advance to make sure we’re available and free to help you with your order. It is a BUSY farm and family! Thanks!
Web: https://www.barnyardorganics.com/feed/
Phone: 902.887.3188 (office)
Email: info@barnyardorganics.com
South West - Point Prim/ Belfast
Point Prim Permaculture
Type of work: Creating a variety of products cider, syrups, tinctures and salves.
Facebook @pointprimpermaculture.ca
Contact: Adel El-Mowafi