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Nova Scotia - May Flower Permaculture




Musquodoboit Harbour - Eastern Shore NS

Megan Ashworth Hartlen

Background: PDC in 2018 with Charles Williams, PAN's volunteer admin since 2021

Areas of Interest: sharing edible and medicinal plants and seeds Sky Organics (fb instagram), off grid living, land back, community food forests, natural building



Cape Breton - Bras D'Or Area

Madeleine Sauvé

Background: Earth Activist Training, Permaculture Design Certificate

Areas of Interest: Farming generally, Forest Management

Phone: (902) 625-0988



Annapolis Valley – Annapolis Royal

Rick Ketcheson

Background:  relocating to Annapolis Royal Spring 2019.

Areas of Interest: Bokashi composting method, biochar, home gardens. Excellent networker and would love to make connections with people in the area asap. If you have or know of someone making biochar on the East Coast, I would love to know more




Carol Bell

Background: a novice, just learning

Areas of Interest: Back to basics, community involvement, maybe a teaching place, once I have it up and running.



Nova Scotia

Charles Williams

Background: Charles Williams is a professional Permaculturist with over 20 years of permaculture teaching and design experience. He is a certified educator through the Permaculture Institute of North America (PINA) and has taught classes and worked on projects across US and Canada. He is currently teaching with Earth Activist Training (internationally) and the Deanery Project (locally). Charles loves to help people create vibrant and regenerative landscapes. He offers a range of services from land walks and consultation to project designs and installation.

Areas of interest: Permaculture Design, Ecological Landscaping, Land Restoration, Ecological Forestry, Restoration/Holistic Grazing, Natural building, Mapping, Education, Wilderness Awareness, Biochar, Composting, Grey Water/Blackwater, Food Forests, Cooking, Felting, Mushrooms Cultivation, and Sacred Land Connection.


Phone: (828)424-0484


Nova Scotia Bass River


Background: I fix buildings and solve problems related to them. I have skills in many disciplines electrical, plumbing, drainage, foundation repair, water systems, paint and coatings, concrete, roof systems, welding, sheet metal, machine repair long list.

Areas of Interest: I have many interests. I would like to start teaching . Day courses education on the topics above and or more that I have not listed. I want to learn more about growing plants and animals.







Shared Ground

Shared Ground is a podcast with interesting and thoughtful folks within Mi'kma'ki. We explore inspiring initiatives, forest-related issues, and our human relationships to the rest of nature.

* finding shared values

* our Wabanaki-Acadian forests

* learning from Indigenous knowledge holders and elders

* permaculture and regenerative thinking and design


Cape Breton Permaculture Community

This is a Facebook group for the people of Cape Brenton to talk, share and learn about permaculture. Anyone that is just starting in permaculture, has been practicing it for years and every where in between are all welcome.


Scotsburn Community Food Forest

An educational permaculture demonstration site in the heart of Scotsburn (began in 2020 in partnership with Scotsburn Recreation Club). A volunteer-run project creating an edible/medicinal regenerative community hub. Official "Monarch Waystation" and host to workshops and knowledge shares. To join our newsletter for occasional updates and happenings, email

Areas of interest to us are knowledge sharing, collaboration, regeneration, diversity of people, plants and pollinators. Acknowledging indigenous roots of permaculture, and that our community initiative is unfolding on the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi'Kmaq People.


General Resources


Blog: Adventures in Local Food by the Ecology Action Center

Check this site for so many great resources!​


Annapolis Valley - Port Royal

Good Cheer Self-Sufficiency Society


Phone: 902-955-1955

Area of work: Vast and varied. Our members include folks that are professional gardeners, established farmers, self-sufficient foodies, and novices just starting to grow their own food.

Permaculture related areas of interest. We are a community group that meets from March - November at Lower Granville Hall, 3551 Granville Road, Port Royal, NS B0S 1K0. Our group meets the first Tuesday at 7 p.m. We have a open forum discussion on topics such as, but not limited to: water management; harvesting, processing, and preserving food; season extension; soil; seed saving and variety selection; pests and predators; hardscape and supports; mulching; layout design; composting. Cost to attend is $2/person to support our Hall. We plan to host field trips in addition to the monthly meetings, and to host workshops and seminars.


Phone: 902-955-1955


Annapolis Valley - North Mountain

Snow Lake Keep Homesteading Community

Area of work: We are an off-grid, queer-positive, permaculture-based homesteading farming community striving to live in harmony with our natural surroundings, located on almost 140 acres of forest on the North Mountain of the Annapolis Valley in Nova Scotia. There are currently five members and one non-member resident living here.

Our mission is to create a safe, healthy, peaceful community in which members can live together, fostering an environment of egalitarianism and personal development. We also aim to steward the land in a sustainable manner, one that allows members to provide for their food, fuelwood, and water needs collectively, while improving the fertility and biodiversity of the land.

When time allows, we set up a booth at the Annapolis Royal Farmers & Traders Market and sell a variety of fresh produce, such as salad greens, heirloom vegetables, and wildcrafted foods. When we have a surplus of farm produce, we welcome anyone in the area to drop by for "Farm-Gate Fridays" (announced on our Facebook page) to purchase any items from that week's harvest, plus get a tour of the farm to see how the food is grown. Please contact us if you need directions to the farm.

Facebook: @snowlakekeep


Annapolis Valley - North Mountain

North Mountain Permaculture (on the same site as Snow Lake Keep)

1200 Hampton Mountain Road, Hampton, Nova Scotia B0S 1L0

Areas of work: North Mountain Permaculture was created to provide space to share skills, restore habitats lost to clearcutting, shelter existing habitats from industrial activity, and to strengthen community.

We believe all living things have an inherent capacity to interact in ways that are integral to whole-system health. As humans, we have an opportunity to create ways of living that go beyond ‘sustainable’ – to serve a beneficial role within our ecosystems and rediscover ways of life that are fulfilling, meaningful and ensure our personal wellbeing.

Check the website for workshops: 2020 Permacamp, Natural Cheesemaking, Timbre-frame building, intro. to blacksmithing, forest restoration, wilderness first aid, art and forest sculpture, forest walks healing and reconnecting with the land.



Marthas New Growers - (Market Garden Skills)

Area of Work:  Supporting the Next Generation of Small-scale Ecological Growers. The Marthas New Growers project supports individuals in building the skills and experiences necessary to foster a strong foundation in ecologically sound market gardening practices. The program aims to provide the support, space and infrastructure to allow individuals to to explore and deepen their learning about their own skills and abilities, as well as the dreams and possibilities that exist for the future of market gardening. New Growers have access to fully operational training space (barn, tools, BCS, cooler, processing area, irrigation, etc.) and skilled farm mentorship.

Contact: David Greenberg


Phone: 1-902-757-1640



Life.School.House Folk School

Area of Work: Education - Life.School.House. is building a non-traditional learning community that celebrates local wisdom, builds connections in community, and reinforces the social value of barter and exchange.
We support a network of hosts who are willing to offer the free use of their residential or community space for skills sharing with neighbours. We support these hosts with a network of learning and peer mentorship. Our goal is to build stronger, interconnected neighbourhoods through small scale folk schools.


Facebook: @lifeschoolhouse



Centre for Local Prosperity

Area of work: The Centre for Local Prosperity is a registered Nova Scotia non-profit organization promoting local economic solutions for rural communities throughout Canada. The Centre organizes major conferences and small community based working sessions and we conduct evidence-based studies that often lead to community consultation and implementation. We draw on examples throughout the world and right here at home. Our work draws its strength through citizen, business and local government collaboration. We encourage practical, innovative and experimental community development initiatives and sustainable business practices that focus on balancing community purpose with business and industry profit. The Centre draws on the work and wisdom of Wendell Berry, Jane Jacobs, Fritz Schumacher, Susan Witt and others who understand how best a local community can begin to re-localize and regain control of their own economic future.



Ship Harbour, Nova Scotia

The Deanery Project (Not-for-Profit Cooperative)

Type of Work: The Deanery Project is a not-for-profit organization with a focus on the environment, the arts, youth and community, natural building and permaculture. We are a rural learning centre and demonstration site. We provide education and tools to strengthen our communities and the environment through innovative, hands-on programs in sustainable energy systems, the arts, natural building methods, restorative forest management, food sovereignty and healthy living choices. We offer the internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC), a combination of hands-on and theoretical learning that includes in-depth permaculture theory, design methodology, practical exercises, and group projects.

Focus Area: Our main priorities and program goals are: * Developing sustainable energy systems * Creating Healthy Forests * Promoting and teaching Natural Building * Integrating Art as a fundamental learning tool * Supporting and expanding Food Sovereignty in our communities * Championing active transportation and fostering physical, emotional and mental well-being * Developing social enterprises which strengthen community and enhance self-sufficiency


Phone: 902-845-1888




Herbalist Association of Nova Scotia

Type of Work: Started in 1997 HANS now has over 40 members and a very active Board of Directors that are dedicated to the preservation and respect of plants as well as the visibility of herbal medicine within this province and beyond.

Focus Areas: Education, events, practitioner member directory





The Bloom Institute for Herbal Studies

Areas of work: Training/ Dispensary - Bloom is an accredited college of herbal medicine, a herbal clinic & dispensary, and school of holistic, plant-centred wellness. Training is occasionally offered outside of Halifax.

Address: 989 Young Avenue, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 2V9

Phone: +1 (902) 957-1534


Eastern Shore - Wentzells Lake

Windhorse Foundation

Areas of work: Windhorse Education Foundation is a not-for-profit organization, with Charitable Status in Canada, established and operated for the purpose of assisting individuals and organizations in bringing awareness and transformation to issues at the confluence of ecological sanity and societal decency. The Foundation welcomes contributions to our work, in the form of ideas and/or money.
Financial donations can be made to the general fund or for the following specific purposes:
1) Scholarships for emerging ecological leaders (up to 25 years old).
2) Windhorse Forest trail construction/maintenance. 
3) Drala Tree release.
4) Research into prevention or mitigation of invasive plant damage in Forest Wapane'kati.
5) Protection of the forest from fire or other catastrophic events (this project has an enthusiastic champion who has agreed to match all contributions from other donors).


(see also in the Business Section)




Annapolis Valley – Middleton Area - Nictaux West

Annapolis Seeds

Type of work: Open-pollinated seed and plant sales and seeds swaps. Annapolis Seeds is a living seed bank for the Maritime region, working to maintain and develop the greatest possible diversity of seeds which thrive in our climate. All our seeds are grown in the Maritimes by small scale growers committed to ecological farming methods.

Areas of focus: Annapolis Seeds will be selling through several stores and farmer’s markets in 2018, online and for the biggest selection there is a front porch seed store at the farm which is open all the time via the honour system jar. Someone will be around most of the time to assist you on weekdays. 

Contact: Owen Bridge



Social Media: 


Annapolis Valley - Wolfville (1459 White Rock Rd.)

Little Foot Yurts Inc.

Type of work: Rent, Build or Buy a yurt. See also Sioux style tipis.  We build Nova Scotia coppice wood yurts, inspired by the Kyrgyz and Mongolian style yurts.  Our yurts are made with ancient building techniques, breathable coverings and sustainably harvested wood. Take a yurt building workshop and learn about yurts through experiential education. Our workshops occur every November & April and will give you the skills and knowledge to build your own yurt! For fibre lovers, LFY also sells shyrdak wool carpets (felted and stitched) from Kyrgyzstan.

Contact: Alex Cole

Phone: (902) 670-4556


Social Media:


Parkdale - Barss Corner

Jeanette Poirier, CHT – Medical Herbalist

Type of Work: Jeanette has been in practice as a rural herbalist for 17 years.  She has a clinic in her home and an ample herbal dispensary of tinctures, bulk herbs, salves, oils and flower essences.
Areas of Focus: At present, she is focusing her energies on the treatment of Lyme and other tick borne diseases, usually referred to as “co-infections.”

Phone: 902-298-3578
Social Media: 


Halifax - 989 Young Ave. 

The Herbal Medicine Clinic & Dispensary with Savayda Jarone CHT, MNIMH – Medical Herbalist

Type of Work: Savayda has been in private practice for fifteen years and operates a full-time herbal medicine clinic and dispensary in Halifax. She offers a monthly “pay what you can” clinic day, as well as a bi-monthly drop-in day to purchase herbs, read in the herbal library and share tea.

Areas of Focus: Her dispensary consists of 85 therapeutic grade tinctures made largely from organic, biodynamically grown, and ethically wildcrafted herbs, as well as dried herbs, herbal and mushroom powders, flower essences, creams and other herbal products. She teaches several popular year-long herbal studies programs, including one for children. Fertility awareness services to assist couples trying to conceive, and specializes in Fertility Awareness Method of birth control.

Phone: 902-957-1534


Social Media:


South Shore - Wentzells Lake

Wind Horse Farm

Type of work: We are a 28 year old permaculture experiment in Nova Scotia. We have co created these gardens with the helping hands of nature, apprentices, woofers and volunteers and are happy to share our knowledge and experience with others. You are also most welcome just to "show up" and walk the gardens (sans dogs). 

Areas of focus: farm store, conference center, events, natural learning opportunities, forest habitat, wood working shop

Contact: Margaret Drescher



Social Media: ​


South Shore - East Berlin

Bear Cove Resources

Type of Work: Natural compost. Storm-Cast is a fertilizer and soil amendment produced through the controlled breakdown of stranded seaweeds and companion organisms mixed with shell and sand from wave action (called wrack). Our general use Storm-cast is bagged in 6 mil reusable/recyclable plastic bags manufactured by Farnell Packaging in Dartmouth, NS. Each bag carries a purchase price money-back warranty. Repeat customers are invited to return bags for refilling at a discounted price. We also offer a fine-screened, pasteurized version, especially convenient for household plants, container gardening, seed starting and nurturing.

Contact: Bob


Social Media:   and Twitter


South Shore - Bridgewater

Earthshine Gardens

Type of Work:  Our mission is to reconnect our clients with their land. Using ecological practices we care for, enhance and create beautiful natural features and bountiful gardens that are uniquely suited to the land and lifestyle of each client. See  our Blog page - July 2018 Business of the month for a print interview

Area of Focus:At Earthshine Gardens, we offer a variety of environmentally sustainable and organic gardening, land care and landscaping services on Nova Scotia's South Shore. We are comprised of a stellar team of ecological garden and land care professionals.  We work with a small crew using primarily hand tools to minimize our impact on the land. We use all organic and sustainable practices in our work, including using resources onsite to minimize inputs, buying local when possible and focusing on building the soil first to create sustainable landscapes that add value to surrounding natural spaces.

Contact: Caitlin Doucette

Phone: 1-(902)-298-1205



Social Media: , Instagram at Twitter @EarthshineGardens





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You can make a donation if you like, to pay for website hosting, printing and other administrative costs. Thanks!

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